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Marines in Sicily. North

Marina Villa Igiea is situated in the port of Acquasanta in Palermo.Its coordinates are 38°08’, 62N-13°22’,37E. The number of yachts is 379. It is mainly for tourist yachts. The depth of the bay is 5m. The maximum length of a yacht is 65 m. The list of service is the following: a maintenance centre, a seafaring school, an elevator (max 50 tons ), everyday services like a shower, a car hiring centre, a chemist’s shop, a laundry, Internet. The Hotel Villa Igiea is situated 500 m from the marine. Tel. (+34)91364123.

Marina San Nicolo L’Arena in Marina Sude. Its coordinates are 38°1.1’N, 13°37.2’E.It is situated in a small village half the way between Palermo and Termini Imereze. Marina San Nicolo L’Arena is rather large. It attends to 467 yachts. The maximum length of a yacht can be 26m. Its sevices are an elevator (15t), a restaurant, a laundry, security service. Tel.(+34)91 812 5946.

Marina di Portorosa, Furnari. Its coordinates are 38°7.6’N, 15°6.7’E. It is one of the largest and most famous marines in Sicily. The number of yachts is 600. The maximum length of a yacht is 35m. The list of services includes a crane, an elevator (max 50 tons), everyday services (a shower, a restaurant, a chemist’s shop, a laundry), a dwelling complex, a market. Tel. (+34)941 874 560.

Marina del Nettuno,Milazzo. Its coordinates are 38°12.9’N, 15°15’E.Marina del Nettuno is the nearest to the Eolean Archipelago. The number of yachts is 143. The maximum length of a yacht is 50 m. The services are a crane, standard living servises, security, a restaurant in a yachting club. Tel. (+34) 90 928 1180.


3 millions of Eurо for archaeological parks in Sicily
Italian government had made a decision to spend 3 mln of Eur for support of archaeological parks in Sicily.
New cruise will be launched in Messina
It will be the first of such a kind of project for Top Cruises in Sicily. Messina will be the “test ground” where company plans on checking the effectiveness for Sicily’s ports to use them for launching other cruises